Sunday, February 9, 2014

Work Life Thoeries

Every Sunday, I turn introspective. Don't want to get into "whether it's for the good or bad" discussion but this is a mere remark.

As I was wrapping up some mundane tasks, { office/home/life }, a thought struck me. An individual's work can be put into three different buckets:


The task at hand might be simple enough to execute, but circumstances change. Given a screw-driver you can effortlessly un-screw a nut, but think about doing that in outer space with limited time left on your oxygen supply from the space suit. Now you are challenged ! Our actions are susceptible to error, heart-beats soar and we end up making some fundamental mistakes. 


we may have ample time to do something with all the resources at our disposal, but if our every move is watched, every step is publicly discussed we immediately feel the pressure. An over-ambitious boss, urgency to deliver and deliver right gets us a stage-fright-attack.


When we sit on the decision-maker's chair, the power is in our hands. One sentence, could change the fate of the team/company/industry, affect several co-workers make/mar the organization from a long-term perspective. 

So, which factor do you deal with the most ?